Lime Tree Day Nursery
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Snacks, lunch and health eating

Our catering manager provides a varied and nutritious diet daily that will appeal to small children.  Children will be encouraged to try the full range of foods available.  Cold, safe drinking water will be available at all times.

All eligible 2-year olds and all 3 to 5 years olds will be provided with a lunch daily, free of charge.  All other children can purchase a lunch at the cost of £1.52. Children will eat their lunch in their playrooms at present due to COVID restrictions. 

A small healthy snack is provided by GCC during each session.  This consists of fruit and/or veg and a carbohydrate portion such as an oat cake or bread stick. The children will be offered milk or water at snack times.  This follows national healthy eating guidelines. 

If your child has any have any special dietary requirements or allergies, please speak to your child’s keyworker where we will note full details and devise a medical care plan if required.  If your child has an allergy, please provide us with written confirmation from your child’s GP or Health Visitor.  This information will be passed directly to the school kitchen who provide all snacks and meals.  Without this, we will be unable to safely provide your child’s snacks and meals.

A copy of the lunch menu will be distributed to all children in advance.  A visual menu will be displayed in the playroom to support children.